Digitizing libraries presents an opportunity to organize their operations more effectively
Three libraries in Lori region-Spitak City Library, Lori Regional Library, and Vanadzor Central Library System-have recently been equipped with four additional computers each. “The availability of computers and Internet access has enabled us to organize our work with branches and visitors more effectively. These are crucial factors in expanding our circle of readers, made possible […]
Ciljno usmerjeno posvetovanje o upravljanju interneta, ki ga je sprožila Evropska komisija – prispevek ISOC Slovenija
Prispevek o upravljanju interneta s ciljno usmerjenim posvetovanjem je pripravila slovenska veja Internet Society, ISOC Slovenija (med dokumenti spletne strani). Namen pobude Evropske Komisije za pripravo prispevkov, je oblikovati evropska stališča za naslednjo konferenco ZN »World Summit in Information Society – WSIS+20« za razvoj strategije za upravljanje interneta z več deležniki. Prispevki pripravljeni za posvetovanje so […]
Laat je stem horen bij de EU: Alarmerend – Tech Neocolonialism bedreigt de toekomst van internetgovernance!
Beste leden van de Internet Society Nederland, De toekomst van internetgovernance staat op het spel. Tech Neocolonialism bedreigt de fundamentele principes van een vrij en open internet door digitale infrastructuren, data, en markten te domineren. Grote technologiebedrijven en machtige landen oefenen invloed uit zonder rekening te houden met de autonomie van gemeenschappen, wat leidt tot […]
‘Zorg voor digitale autonomie, omarm inefficiëntie’ – Bernold Nieuwesteeg treedt toe tot ISOC NL en versterkt samenwerking binnen de New Economy Werkgroep
Met trots verwelkomt ISOC NL Bernold Nieuwesteeg als een nieuw lid. Bernold is geen onbekende voor ISOC NL. Tijdens het recente 25-jarig jubileum van de vereniging speelde hij een actieve rol als panellid. In deze bijzondere bijeenkomst werd stilgestaan bij de ontwikkelingen van het internet en werden toekomstperspectieven besproken. Zijn bijdrage aan het debat benadrukte […]
As grandes plataformas esperam que Trump as proteja das multas da CE
As grandes plataformas esperam que Trump as proteja das multas da CE – De acordo com notícias veiculadas pelas publicações CEPA e Bloomberg, a forma como a CE multou ou abriu processos de análise das grandes plataformas americanas, poderá contribuir para as esperanças que a X, a Google e a…
SamNet 3 – Save the date
Efter förra SamNet-konferensen så följer vi nu upp med SamNet 3! Uppdatera redan nu din kalender och skriv in: SamNet 3 konferens, under datumet Tisdag den 1:a april 2025. SamNet är en fysisk heldagskonferens om teknik, internet, integritet och decentralisering som är grunden för digitaliseringen av vårt samhälle. SamNet fokuserar på detta från den vanliga samhällsmedborgarens perspektiv, inte från ett kommersiellt eller […]
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas
Dear Compatriots Warmest greetings and heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Christmas! May 2025 be a year of new opportunities, meaningful achievements, and continuous growth for all of us. Together, let us strive to build an innovative, inclusive, and thriving online community that benefits everyone. With best wishes, “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO The […]
A Comissão Europeia e a Criptografia
A eurodeputada Marketa Gregorova publicou no Project Syndicate uma análise do estado da luta da Comissão Europeia contra o uso de E2EE e contra os direitos de privacidade dos cidadãos e empresas europeias.
Ысык-Көл облусунда тренингдер башталды
2024-жылдын 18-20-декабрь күндөрү ISOC командасы Ысык-Көлдүн түштүк жээгинде, тактап айтканда, Балыкчы шаарында, Тон, Ак-Суу жана Барскоон айылдарында тренингдерди өткөрдү. Бардык тренингдер райондордун администрацияларынын имараттарында өтүп, долбоордун тарыхында эң көп катышуучуларды тартты. Тренингдерге Өзгөчө кырдаалдар министрлигинин, райондордун администрацияларынын кызматкерлерин жана санариптештирүү бөлүмдөрүнүн башчылары катышты. Катышуучулар тренингдерге топтолуучу суроолор менен келишип, өздөрүнүн иш тажрыйбалары менен бөлүшүүгө даяр […]
Project «Improving digital skills in local communities» launched in Kyrgyzstan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
UN Convention on Cybercrime: staying out of the table and fighting for human rights, privacy, and safety
The voting in the UN General Assembly that was expected to pass the Draft Convention on Cybercrime, was postponed. This Draft was the outcome of many years of negotiations which started with a UN resolution initiated in 2019 by Russia, China and other states (such as Iran, Egypt, Sudan, and Uzbekistan) , with 88 votes […]
The program to upgrade libraries and transform them into internet centers will expand to include new regions
The programs of the “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO, focused on fostering the development of digital opportunities and skills, are ongoing. As part of the ongoing technical upgrades, libraries in the Lori region-specifically the Lori Regional Library, the centralized Vanadzor libraries, and several others-will soon receive 20 computers. Additionally, the Spitak City Library has already […]
Internet in Beeld: Verleden, Heden & Toekomst – 25 Jaar ISOC Nederland: Een Terugblik door Oprichter Jan Prins
Tijdens het jubileumevenement ‘Internet in Beeld: Verleden, Heden & Toekomst’, ter ere van het 25-jarig bestaan van ISOC Nederland, stond oprichter Jan Prins stil bij de geschiedenis en ontwikkeling van de organisatie. Voor een zaal vol internetpioniers, beleidsmakers en enthousiastelingen vertelde hij over de begintijd van ISOC NL en de belangrijke rol die het heeft […]
Offener Brief an die Parteivorsitzenden zur Bundestagswahl
Vor den anstehenden Wahlen hat sich der ISOC.DE-Vorstand mit einem offenen Brief an die Vorsitzenden der demokratischen Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag gewandt. Darin werden wichtige netzpolitische Voraussetzungen und Forderungen für ein offenes, freies und sicheres Internet adressiert. Hier der Brief im Wortlaut: seit mehr als 30 Jahren setzt sich die Internet Society weltweit für ein […]
Жобонун алдын ала жыйынтыктары боюнча түз эфир өттү
2024-жылдын 11-декабрында МанасТВ мамлекеттик телеканалында ISOC тренери Айпери Бозоева жана Кыргыз Республикасынын Цифрдык өнүктүрүү министрлигинин Цифрдык чечимдер башкармалыгынын башкы адиси Айчурок Бексултанованын катышуусунда түз эфир өттү. Түз эфирдин жалпы узактыгы 40 мүнөт болду. Айпери жана Айчурок долбоорду ишке ашыруудагы жетишкендиктер жана кыйынчылыктар тууралуу айтып беришти. Бул долбоор Общественный фонд «Интернет Общество» тарабынан каржылык колдоо […]
The 30-year history of the Internet Society was celebrated with the special anniversary publication titled “Our Space on Internet: .am 30”
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of bringing the internet to Armenia and the registration and development of .am, Internet Society NGO has launched an unprecedented initiative. To mark this anniversary year, the organization has published a special bilingual publication, titled “Our Space on Internet: .am 30” which summarizes the history of the past 30 years […]
Three decades of history in 30 minutes: The documentary film “Our Space on the Internet: .am30” was presented
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the creation of Armenia’s national domain, .am, and the introduction of the Internet to Armenia. To commemorate this milestone, Internet Society NGO, as the initiator and implementer of this landmark achievement, showcased the decades-long journey through the documentary film “Our Space on the Internet: .am30”. The 30-minute film […]
A live broadcast with preliminary results of the project took place
On December 11, 2024, a broadcast took place on the state television channel ManasTV with the participation of ISOC trainer Aiperi Bozoeva and chief specialist of the Digital Solutions Department of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic Aichurok Beksultanova. In a live broadcast with a total duration of 40 minutes, Aiperi and […]
Стартовали тренинги в Ошской и Баткенской областях
Trainings started in the Osh and Batken regions
On November 27, 2024, the ISOC team, together with digital literacy trainers Azhybek Nurlanov and Aiperi Bozoeva, flew to the city of Osh to conduct digital literacy trainings in the southern regions of the country. It is worth noting that the trainings for the population became possible thanks to the financial support of the Internet […]
Training for trainers on digital government services was held
On September 27, 2024, Deputy Director of the State Enterprise Tunduk Rakhat Zhusumambetova held an online training for trainers (ToT) in Bishkek. The total number of participants was 16 people. During this training, Ms. Zhusumambetova shared her extensive expertise, gave an idea of the IT architecture of the Tunduk application, and spoke about the nuances […]
‘Tunduk’ chapter added to the MISST
Within the framework of the project «Improving digital skills in local communities» with the financial support of the Public Foundation «Internet Society», the chapter «Tunduk» was developed, which clearly explains how to receive digital government services in the country using a mobile application and the state portal. The updated manual was published in 180 copies. […]
Educational materials on digital literacy have been released
The Kyrgyz branch of the Internet Society, together with MediaKyzdar LLC, with the financial support of the Internet Society Public Foundation, have developed and released 10 educational videos on digital literacy, educational posters were also developed based on the videos, and the chapter «Tunduk» was finalized, which will be included in the MISST textbook. It […]
Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter announced a competition for the production of training materials on digital literacy
One of the main areas of the project «Improving digital skills in local communities», which is being implemented with the financial support of the Public Foundation «Internet Society», is the development of training materials (videos, chapters in the manual, training posters) for subsequent distribution and use in training. In order to select a suitable production […]
Internet Society Kyrgyz Chapter announced a competition for the production of training materials on digital literacy
One of the main areas of the project «Improving digital skills in local communities», which is being implemented with the financial support of the Public Foundation «Internet Society», is the development of training materials (videos, chapters in the manual, training posters) for subsequent distribution and use in training. In order to select a suitable production […]
Project “Improving digital skills in local communities” launched in Kyrgyzstan
On December 10, 2023, with the financial support of the Internet Society Public Foundation, the project “Improving digital skills in local communities” was launched in the Kyrgyz Republic. The project is being implemented by the Kyrgyz Branch of the Internet Society in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State […]
Project «Improving digital skills in local communities» launched in Kyrgyzstan
On December 10, 2023, with the financial support of the Internet Society Public Foundation, the project «Improving digital skills in local communities» was launched in the Kyrgyz Republic. The project is being implemented by the Kyrgyz Branch of the Internet Society in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State […]
The recording studio at the Armenian Association of the Blind has been upgraded with new equipment
The “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO, with support from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), has upgraded the recording studio at AAB “Sokrat Shahnazaryani Anvan Mshakuyti Tun” LLC. This studio is part of the Internet Center established years ago by the “Internet Society” NGO. The studio has been used by “Menq,” an internet radio station for […]
ISOC Norge er vurdert til Gigabit Chaper
ISOC Norge er vurdert til Gigabit Chapter i 2025 The post ISOC Norge er vurdert til Gigabit Chaper appeared first on ISOC Norge.
FBI recomenda aos cidadãos o uso de criptografia fim-a-fim
Photo courtesy of Pixabay FBI recomenda aos cidadãos o uso de criptografia fim-a-fim – Na sequência de um ataque com sucesso de hackers chineses a equipamentos dos principais operadores de telecomunicações dos EUA, a imprensa do país noticia “alto e com bom som” que o FBI recomenda aos cidadãos que…