Iraq and Syria Account for 85 Percent of Exam-Related Internet Shutdowns in 2024
Exam-related Internet shutdowns increased from 75 to 83 from 2023 to 2024 despite the efforts of the #NoExamShutdown campaign.
Membre Force 01 : Naviguer dans l’écosystème de la gouvernance de l’Internet
L’écosystème de la gouvernance de l’Internet englobe l’ensemble des acteurs, des institutions et des processus qui participent à la gestion et à l’orientation du développement de l’Internet à travers le monde. Cet écosystème complexe joue un rôle crucial dans la définition des politiques, des normes techniques et des pratiques qui influencent notre utilisation quotidienne d’Internet. […]
Meet Our 2024 Research Grantees: Shaping the Future of the Internet
Our Research Grant Program supports global initiatives that enhance our understanding of the Internet and its importance to everyone. We are thrilled to announce the 2024 cohort of grant partners who will conduct innovative studies addressing the Internet’s critical challenges while also contributing to its sustainability and inclusivity. This year’s 12 selected projects from six […]
Understanding and Identifying Scams: Digitally Empowering Older Adults in Mexico
As the Internet becomes a more prominent part of our lives, online scams are growing in popularity, and older adults face unique risks. The post Understanding and Identifying Scams: Digitally Empowering Older Adults in Mexico appeared first on Internet Society.
Entender e identificar estafas: Capacitar digitalmente a los adultos mayores en México
A medida que Internet continúa convirtiéndose en una parte cada vez más importante de nuestras vidas, las estafas en línea están creciendo en popularidad, y los adultos mayores enfrentan riesgos particulares. The post Entender e identificar estafas: Capacitar digitalmente a los adultos mayores en México appeared first on Internet Society.
VIDEO – Naveed Haq Keynote at IEEE CTU Summit 2024 – Everest Community Network
On October 14, 2024, Internet Society Regional Infrastructure and Connectivity Director Naveed Haq delivered a keynote speech at the IEEE Connecting The Unconnected (CTU) Summit 2024 in Dubai. His presentation, lavishly augmented with photos and video, centered on the deployment of the Everest Community Network , in partnership the Nepal Internet Foundation. At 3,800 meters above sea […]
Does Higher Income Result in Greater Internet Usage?
Six of the top-third African countries for GDP per capita growth between 2014-2022 are among the bottom-third African countries for Internet usage growth during the same time.
Evolving MANRS by Formalizing a MANRS Development Process
MANRS began as a small group of network operators discussing a minimum set of best practices that could be widely implemented to improve routing security for the entire Internet. In the decade since, it has grown into the powerhouse community we know today, adding programs for IXPs, CDN & Cloud Providers, and Equipment Vendors with […]
Digitizing libraries presents an opportunity to organize their operations more effectively
Three libraries in Lori region-Spitak City Library, Lori Regional Library, and Vanadzor Central Library System-have recently been equipped with four additional computers each. “The availability of computers and Internet access has enabled us to organize our work with branches and visitors more effectively. These are crucial factors in expanding our circle of readers, made possible […]
Ciljno usmerjeno posvetovanje o upravljanju interneta, ki ga je sprožila Evropska komisija – prispevek ISOC Slovenija
Prispevek o upravljanju interneta s ciljno usmerjenim posvetovanjem je pripravila slovenska veja Internet Society, ISOC Slovenija (med dokumenti spletne strani). Namen pobude Evropske Komisije za pripravo prispevkov, je oblikovati evropska stališča za naslednjo konferenco ZN »World Summit in Information Society – WSIS+20« za razvoj strategije za upravljanje interneta z več deležniki. Prispevki pripravljeni za posvetovanje so […]
Afin de renforcer la participation active de nos membres dans les divers projets du chapitre ISOC Bénin, nous lançons une initiative visant à recenser les compétences et expertises présentes au sein de notre communauté. Nous vous invitons à remplir un formulaire simple et rapide, qui nous permettra de constituer une base de données de compétences. […]
WEBCAST JAN 13 – ISOC Egypt – The Politics of Digital Infrastructure
On Monday 13 January 2024 at 18:00 EST (16:00 UTC) the Internet Society Egypt Chapter (Internet Masr) presents the second in its infrastructure webinar series with a briefing session ‘The Politics of Digital Infrastructure‘. Ahmed Abdel-Latif will delve into the politics of digital infrastructure development, exploring how these critical assets shape 21st-century global politics and […]
What can Artificial Intelligence (AI) tell us about ourselves? AI’s impact on society is both inflated and understated. How can this be? Economics tells us there is more than one way to view something. In micro-economics we look towards the individual where in macro-economics we look to a group of individuals (and groups of groups). […]
CALL FOR SPEAKERS: Digital Access Day 2025
The post CALL FOR SPEAKERS: Digital Access Day 2025 appeared first on The Canadian Internet Society.
The Global Impact of a US TikTok Ban
A potential TikTok ban is on the horizon as the United States Supreme Court considers an important decision this week. This case has implications that extend beyond the US and a single app. It affects the security and livelihoods of millions and raises concerns about the future of a free and open Internet. This action […]
Daniel Fink ICANN Sistema de Nombres de Dominio
This is Prepended El Dr. Daniel Fink habla sobre la importancia y funcionamiento del Sistema de Nombres de Dominio que administra ICANN. Webinar coordinado por la Mtra. Eunice Pérez Coello This is after the post
Laat je stem horen bij de EU: Alarmerend – Tech Neocolonialism bedreigt de toekomst van internetgovernance!
Beste leden van de Internet Society Nederland, De toekomst van internetgovernance staat op het spel. Tech Neocolonialism bedreigt de fundamentele principes van een vrij en open internet door digitale infrastructuren, data, en markten te domineren. Grote technologiebedrijven en machtige landen oefenen invloed uit zonder rekening te houden met de autonomie van gemeenschappen, wat leidt tot […]
‘Zorg voor digitale autonomie, omarm inefficiëntie’ – Bernold Nieuwesteeg treedt toe tot ISOC NL en versterkt samenwerking binnen de New Economy Werkgroep
Met trots verwelkomt ISOC NL Bernold Nieuwesteeg als een nieuw lid. Bernold is geen onbekende voor ISOC NL. Tijdens het recente 25-jarig jubileum van de vereniging speelde hij een actieve rol als panellid. In deze bijzondere bijeenkomst werd stilgestaan bij de ontwikkelingen van het internet en werden toekomstperspectieven besproken. Zijn bijdrage aan het debat benadrukte […]
Building Resilient Connectivity for the Future of Research and Education
National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) globally are investing in new strategies to ensure seamless, reliable, and resilient connectivity for researchers, educators, and students.
Nine Projects Awarded Funding to Expand Internet Access and Connectivity Globally
The Internet Society Foundation is thrilled to reveal the newest round of funding through the Building Opportunities/Leveraging Technologies (BOLT) Grant Program. This year, we are proud to support nine groundbreaking initiatives across various countries, each working to promote Internet access and connectivity for communities worldwide. Since its inception in 2021, the BOLT program has empowered […]
WEBCAST JAN 8 – DIPLO 2025 Forecast: AI and Digital Developments
On Wednesday 8 January 2025 at 14:00–15:00 CET (13:00-14:00 UTC) Diplo will present ‘2025 Forecast: AI and Digital Developments‘. Jovan Kurbalija will explore: Geopolitical and geoeconomic trends shaping AI; AI and digital issues on the diplomatic agenda; Transformative use of AI tools in society, business, and diplomacy. Drawing from the key developments of 2024, he […]
As grandes plataformas esperam que Trump as proteja das multas da CE
As grandes plataformas esperam que Trump as proteja das multas da CE – De acordo com notícias veiculadas pelas publicações CEPA e Bloomberg, a forma como a CE multou ou abriu processos de análise das grandes plataformas americanas, poderá contribuir para as esperanças que a X, a Google e a…
Applications Now Open: Internet Society Foundation’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Funding Program
The Internet Society Foundation is pleased to announce that applications are now open for its Internet Governance Forum (IGF) funding program. This initiative is designed to support the organization of United Nations IGF Secretariat-recognized National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs) and Schools on Internet Governance (SIGs). This program empowers communities to shape a more equitable and […]
Funding Opportunity for Technical Communities: STC Applications Now Open
The Internet Society Foundation is excited to announce that applications for its Sustainable Technical Communities (STC) funding program are now open. This program supports the organization of technical events designed to strengthen and sustain local and regional technical communities. These events are essential in building a more resilient and secure Internet through knowledge exchange, capacity […]
Changing of the Guard in the SSL Certificate Market
GlobalSign’s growing popularity among the top 1,000 most popular websites as the preffered SSL certificate authority has changed the global balance of market concentration.
SamNet 3 – Save the date
Efter förra SamNet-konferensen så följer vi nu upp med SamNet 3! Uppdatera redan nu din kalender och skriv in: SamNet 3 konferens, under datumet Tisdag den 1:a april 2025. SamNet är en fysisk heldagskonferens om teknik, internet, integritet och decentralisering som är grunden för digitaliseringen av vårt samhälle. SamNet fokuserar på detta från den vanliga samhällsmedborgarens perspektiv, inte från ett kommersiellt eller […]
Elecciones 2025 | Candidatos a la Junta Directiva 2025-2027
El Comité de Nominaciones tiene el placer de dar a conocer los nombres de los postulados para las próximas elecciones a la Junta Directiva del Capítulo de Panamá de la Sociedad Internet (ISOC Panamá) para el período 2025-2027, ordenados alfabéticamente por cada cargo. Se eligen 7 personas individualmente en los cargos de Presidente, Vicepresidente, Secretario, […]
The Internet Exchange Point: A Window to a Changing Internet
Internet Exchange Points offer a critical vantage point of the Internet’s stability, security, and efficiency at a local level.
WEBCAST FEB 4 – A11yNYC – Older Adults and Digital Inclusion – Tom Kamber
On Tuesday February 4, 2025 at 7:30pm-8:30pm EST (00:30-01:30 UTC) the Accessibility NYC Meetup (A11yNYC) hosts a meetup ‘Older Adults and Digital Inclusion‘. Tom Kamber, executive director of Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP, will discuss digital participation by older adults in America, including barriers to adoption and inclusion, and what is being done […]
Extraordinary General Meeting Agenda
After several years of inactivity, we are at last bringing ISocSG back to life. Towards the end of January we’ll hold an in-person AGM which will also include our first on-mission activity for the year, but **before** we can do that we need a brief, online-only EGM to make it possible to complete some regulatory […]