
Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Impact of massive tech outage… and what to do about it.

A massive IT outage swept the world on Friday, taking down critical systems at airports, banks, hospitals and millions of other businesses and causing widespread chaos. The problem appeared to be affecting computers using Microsoft operating systems. The outages appear to be related to users who are running CrowdStrike as an endpoint detection and response […]

Uganda Chapter logo


The Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) is a platform for exchanging best practices in regulating digital technologies.  Started in 2000, the 23rd edition of the GRS took place in Kampala Uganda from 01-04 July 2024, organized by Ugandan Communications Commission (UCC), the country’s regulator.  The discussions centred around core policies and regulatory issues, particularly how to harness […]

Uganda Chapter logo

Developing regulatory frameworks to govern the use of technology is essential.

The digital age has brought with it a disruption in technologies, especially interlinked technologies like the Internet of Things, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, remotely operated devices, and blockchain. Their potential is immense in enhancing efficiency, improving service delivery, supporting decision-making, and fostering innovation.  However, with this potential comes significant technical, ethical, societal and […]

Logo of South Africa Chapter

Executive Committee Announcement 2024/25

Internet South Africa (ISA) held their AGM on 27 June 2024. Members were invited to attend in person from Cape Town – GirlHype, Durban – Durban University of Technology, Johannesburg – Safe-Hub Soweto or online, via Zoom. The executive committee for 2024/25 is: Thoko Miya – Chair William Stucke – Vice Chair Wadzanai Ndlovu – […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Somalia is looking for WSA nominees till October 15th

Here is a chance for #Somali tech Startups to participate in a global competition. Go for it and good luck. Please share with your IT sector friends. You developed a digital solution with strong social impact in your country and want to convince your National Expert that it deserves a spot at the World Summit […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

SDG Digital Game Changers Award – Go for it.

The 2nd edition of the SDG Digital GameChangers Award will honour organizations that are working towards rescuing the Global Goals through digital. The award ceremony will take place during SDG Digital Futures on 20 September, 2024. Submit your innovative solutions, demonstrate practical applications, and show how digital can help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Submission […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Free courses and other important notices

Grow your Internet knowledge and boost your career with our selection of free moderated courses. Learning @ Internet Society empowers professionals with the knowledge they need to apply new skills and become Internet champions. This is the last cycle of courses this year, so don’t miss out! These courses will provide you with practical technical […]

Logo of South Africa Chapter

Candidates for 2024 Election

First Name Surname Short biography Vision for Internet South Africa Jody Daniels Beyond two decades of leading diverse marketing teams across Southern Africa, I bring a unique blend of formal and social leadership experience to the ISOC ZA committee. As Chairperson of the Diageo SA (Brandhouse) VEO, I managed volunteer funds and spearheaded impactful programs […]

Logo of South Africa Chapter

Internet South Africa AGM

Dear Internet South Africa Member, By now you would have received a Call For Nominations for a new Executive Committee of your Chapter. We’ve indeed reached that time of the year, where we need to reflect on the past 12 months and discuss the future of the Chapter, at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The […]

fpif logo

Message from AfPIF Secretariat about AfPIF 2024 in Kinshasa

Dear AfPIF community, Following the recent security incident on 19 May 2024, we have consulted with trusted sources and partners and conducted an internal assessment of the situation in Kinshasa. We have received assurances from our host and local authorities on the stability, safety, and security in Kinshasa for our event. Our planning for the […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Chapter Election

The following is summary form my last post: The chapter has received its new license, and we are now calling for nominations, an election for new officers to lead the chapter. Therefore, please consider this and apply by 15 June 2024. The vacant positions are: President/Chair, Vice Chair, community liaison officer, technical officer and treasurer/Secretary. […]

Uganda Chapter logo


The Uganda Internet Governance Forum (UIGF) has since 2006 been a platform for deliberation on Internet governance matters in the country. Debates at this annual forum focus on understanding current global, regional and national trends on the Internet governance agenda. This activity will be open to all stakeholders and require stakeholder engagement. The UIGF will […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

« Il nous faut apprendre à réguler ensemble» – L’appel de Internet Society au gouvernement togolais

Le Chapitre Togolais de l’Internet Society exprime sa profonde gratitude envers le gouvernement togolais et tous les acteurs impliqués pour leur rôle essentiel dans le maintien de la stabilité et de l’accessibilité du réseau Internet avant et après les récentes élections législatives et régionales au Togo. Cet effort  témoigne que des élections peuvent se dérouler […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

#KeepItOn : les autorités togolaises et les FAI doivent garantir un accès Internet ouvert et sécurisé lors des prochaines élections régionales et législatives

Le Chapitre Togolais de Internet Society, en partenariat avec plus de 300 organisations membres de la coalition #KeepItOn, appelle le gouvernement togolais à garantir un accès continu et sans restriction à Internet lors des élections législatives et régionales du 29 avril. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans un effort mondial pour promouvoir la transparence et la liberté […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Girls in ICT Day 2024

The International Girls in ICT Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in April every year. To create awareness on the need for more girls and women in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. Background The day is an initiative of the Plenipotentiary Resolution 70 (Rev. Busan, 2014) by the Member States of the International Telecommunication Union to create programs that encourage girls and […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

The African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) 2024dsss

The African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) 2024 will take place from 20 to 22 August 2024 at the Hilton Hotel in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). AfPIF is an annual conference that aims to promote the development of national and cross-border interconnection and offers the African technical community a unique opportunity to […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Innovative use of technology in education

As per our earlier posts, we will continue our campaign to promulgate ideas about the use technology in the education sector. As well as share with you information about Ai enabled educational material. Most of the content we are sharing here from the #unesco website. Please visit and enjoy the educational content there. The post […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

Internet Society condamne la diffusion de fausses nouvelles de masse par Togo Cellulaire

Le chapitre togolais de Internet Society (ISOC) exprime sa profonde préoccupation suite à la réception de multiples rapports de la part des membres de notre communauté, les 9 et 10 avril 2024, faisant état de la diffusion de messages infondés par l’opérateur téléphonique Togo Cellulaire. Ces messages annonçaient à tort une panne globale de l’application […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

Atelier technique sur l’acceptation universelle des noms de domaine et des adresses électroniques

Le vendredi 7 avril 2024, le Chapitre Togolais de l’Internet Society (ISOC Togo) a organisé un atelier technique sur l’acceptation universelle des noms de domaine et des adresses électroniques. Cet événement, qui s’est tenu à l’hôtel ONOMO à Lomé en présentiel et en ligne, a rassemblé un total de 56 participants, dont 44 en présentiel […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

 Digital Trade Negotiations.. why is this important?

WEBCAST MAR 19 – The WTO’s Digital Trade Negotiations in the Wake of its 13th Ministerial Conference. Clion on this link to access it. I attended the following remotely on Tuesday March 19, 2024, at 11:00-12:30 EDT the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, as part of its Global Digital Governance series, which presented a webinar ‘The WTO’s Digital Trade […]

Uganda Chapter logo


Dates: July 01 – 02, August 2024 Venue: TBC, Kampala Introduction The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), which includes various interlinked technologies such as the internet of things, big data analytics, Artificial intelligence and blockchain, provides important opportunities for Uganda to respond to development challenges.  Uganda can harness the 4IR to respond to key challenges such […]

Uganda Chapter logo

ISOCUg participates in Tech Policy Circle

Introduction: On Thursday, February 15th, 2024, in Kampala, Uganda, the Tech Global Institute and Pollicy hosted a Tech Policy Circle, a round table conversation that was attended by 24 (14 women,10 men)  stakeholders including Government representatives and civil society actors from different fields including legal minds, human rights defenders, and activists all with interest in […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Blockchain course competition

As discussed in earlier posts, we are encouraging students and Somali IT community to take Ai and Blockchain innovation seriously. This is a very fast developing area with a lot of protentional in many sectors. To promote this idea, we are now launching a competition. The first 5 Somali persons in Somalia to complete this […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Educate yourself with IT skills

The following are courses that are available to all and the Chapter encourages its members and the community at large to take advantage of this opportunity and to do these courses. Visit this site and please enrol to these free courses. To succeed as leaders in Internet technology, policy, and business, the next generation of […]

Benin Chapter Logo

Benin Universal Acceptance Workshop

En marge de la journée internationale de l’acceptation universelle qui se tiendra cette année pour la première fois le 28 Mars 2023, pour sensibiliser la communauté au Bénin pour un internet inclusif et multilingue, un atelier sera organisé les 24 Mars 2024. L’objectif de cet atelier organisé par le Chapitre Bénin d’Internet Society ( et […]

Benin Chapter Logo

Formation sur le chiffrement

La protection et le renforcement du chiffrement sont essentiels pour rendre Internet plus sûr pour tous.  Dans le but de sensibiliser toutes les parties prenantes de l’Internet et de tous horizons à la valeur du chiffrement et encourager les utilisateurs à utiliser des services chiffrés de bout en bout, le Chapitre Bénin de l’Internet Society […]

Internet Society: Somalia Chapter

Internet access disruptions – and what to do about it?

INTERNET SOCIETY SOMALIA CHAPTER STATEMENT ON THE RUPTURE OF OPTICAL FIBER SUBMARINE CABLES. Many in Somalia are feeling intermittent stressed internet access outages and without clear explanation many are working on their access points, or their equipment, etc. However, the problem lies elsewhere. Recently Thirteen countries across Africa experienced Internet outages due to damage to […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

Inclusion numérique : Internet Society Togo entame des pourparlers avec Starlink

Internet Society Togo a l’honneur d’annoncer le début des négociations avec Starlink, la société dirigée par Elon Musk, pour élargir et démocratiser l’accès à l’internet au Togo. Cette initiative suit l’annonce de l’arrivée de Starlink au Togo l’année dernière. Dans un esprit de collaboration, le conseil d’administration de Internet Society Togo a souligné à l’équipe […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

Internet Society Togo, partenaire officiel de l’édition inaugurale de la Semaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle à Lomé

Le chapitre togolais de l’Internet Society (ISOC Togo), en collaboration avec le Conseil International pour l’Intelligence Artificielle (CONIIA-Togo) et Human-AI, est fier d’annoncer sa participation à la première édition de la Semaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle (SIA), prévue du 19 au 24 mars 2024, à Lomé, Togo. Cet événement d’avant-garde vise à réunir les principaux acteurs […]