
Encrypt Today to Safeguard Tomorrow: The Encryption Summit

Encrypt Today to Safeguard Tomorrow: The Encryption Summit We live in a golden age of encryption, when more people have access to this key security technology than ever before. Encryption empowers people to connect with others, build community, protect themselves and their loved ones, and live their lives to the fullest. Yet an increasing number […]

Distribute(d) trust – The key to global encryption access

For many vulnerable Internet users, the Tor network is the only way to gain access to encrypted services. It’s made possible by relay operators, the thousands of volunteers who donate their time, technical expertise, and hardware. Join us for a roundtable discussion with individual and institutional relay operators to learn more about the ins and […]

Cybersecurity and Encryption in the Era of AI, IoT, and Blockchain

The SecureNet Summit 2024 is a groundbreaking conference focused on cybersecurity and encryption for emerging technologies, with an emphasis on the unique challenges and opportunities within Burundi. The summit will explore critical topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain technology, highlighting their integration and security within Burundi’s context. Industry […]

South Sudan E2EE Awareness Campaign

Strong encryption is a fundamental part of how we remain safe online and offline: It means people can communicate with another person safe in the knowledge no-one is listening in or tampering with their messages. Despite this, governments around the world are ramping up their attacks on end -to-end encryption (E2EE). Governments view it as […]


Este es el evento nacional en Ecuador del Día Global de la Encriptación, GED, por sus siglas en inglés. En Isoc Ecuador estamos comprometidos con la promoción y fortalecimiento de la encriptación y la difusión de su uso en niveles personales, profesionales, gubernamentales y empresariales. Este 2024 en alianza con el Colegio de Ingenieros Eléctricos […]

Encryption: key resource to empower people

World Encryption Day is a global digital event, to celebrate World Encryption Day, as we do every year, Fundación Cibervoluntarios has organized a Masterclass for citizens, third sector organizations, and our almost 4,000 cybervolunteers to learn why strong encryption is an essential element to keep us safe online. The Masterclass on “Encryption: key resource to […]

Digital Defenses: Encryption in the journalist’s toolkit

On Oct. 21 at 3pm ET, listen to journalists, security experts explain how encryption helps them keep their sources and information secure and promotes press freedom. With Proof News’ Julia Angwin, Tech Crunch’s Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai, and Freedom of the Press Foundation’s Harlo Holmes and Seth Stern. The post Digital Defenses: Encryption in the journalist’s toolkit […]

The Internet Society Logo

WEBCAST OCT 17 – Internet Archive Library Leaders Forum 2024

On Thursday October 17 2024, at 10:00 PDT (17:00 UTC) the Internet Archive hosts a virtual Library Leaders Forum, in which we’ll hear from Internet Archive staff about their emerging library services and updates on existing efforts, including from partners. How do libraries empower research in the 21st century? SPEAKERS Brewster Kahle, founder & digital […]

Global Encryption Day (21/10/2024)

La Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) organitza el Global Encryption Day. ISOC-CAT col·labora amb la GEC. Podeu veure a continuació com fer la inscripció a al jornada (via Zoom). Us passem l’anunci extret de la llista de correu de la GEC, per si és del vostre interès.     The Global Encryption Coalition steering committee is […]

Internet Society: Slovenia Chapter


V časopisu Mladina št. 39, ki je izšla 27. septembra 2024, je raziskovalec zavoda “Danes je nov dan” Tadej Štrok v intervjuju o spletu in internetu izjavil, da “tehnologija ne more biti nevtralna.“ O napačnem razumevanju internetne tehnologije in širjenju trditve, da “Tehnologija ne more biti nevtralna” sledi komentar ISOC-a: internetna tehnološka infrastruktura je nevtralna […]

The Internet Society Logo

WEBCAST OCT 19 – BSidesNYC 2024

On Saturday 19 October 2024 the BSidesNYC Conference will convene at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NYC. BSidesNYC is an Information / Security conference that is 100% volunteer organized. The event’s Red track will be livestreamed by the Internet Society New York Chapter. Blue, Other, and Entrepreneur tracks will be recorded for […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

Journée Mondiale du Chiffrement 2024 : Internet Society Togo organise un hackathon en partenariat avec l’ANCy.

Dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale du chiffrement 2024, le chapitre togolais de l’Internet Society (ISOC Togo), en collaboration avec l’Agence Nationale de Cybersécurité (ANCy), organise un hackathon dédié aux défis locaux en cybersécurité, confidentialité et protection des données. Cet événement invite les étudiants de quatre universités de Lomé – ESGIS, IPNET Institute of […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

Règlement Général du Hackathon Internet Society Togo pour la Journée Mondiale du chiffrement 2024

Règlement Général du Hackathon ISOC Togo Entre les parties suivantes : Internet Society Togo (ci-après dénommée « L’Organisateur »), une association de droit togolais affiliée à l’Internet Society (ISOC) International, dont la mission est de construire, promouvoir et défendre un Internet ouvert, sécurisé et accessible à tous, et Les Participants (ci-après dénommés « Les Participants »), toute personne inscrite […]

Togo Chapter logo in French

L’Internet Society Togo organise le 10e Forum National sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet

L’Internet Society Togo a annoncé la tenue de la 10e édition du Forum National sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet (Internet Governance Forum), prévue pour le 24 octobre 2024 à la Maison des Jeunes de Lomé (Amadahomé). Cet événement, d’envergure nationale, mettra l’accent sur les technologies émergentes et les opportunités qu’elles offrent pour le développement numérique […]

Internet Society: Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Chapter

SVG IGF 2024 – October 17

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – 2024 SVG IGF 2024 will be the 11th IGF Forum convened by SVG IGF. Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines (ISOC SVG) is entrusted with the operational secretariat role for SVG IGF. The IGF is being executed by the Secretariat (ISOC SVG) on the […]

The Internet Society Logo

WEBCAST OCT 16 – The Power of Song: Repercussions for Freedom of Expression and Digital Rights in Hong Kong

On Wednesday, October 16 2024 at 09:00-10:30 EDT (13:00-14:30 UTC) Columbia Global Freedom of Expression (CGFoE), along with co-sponsors Georgetown Center for Asian Law and ARTICLE 19, present a webinar ‘The Power of Song: Repercussions for Free Speech and Digital Freedoms in Hong Kong‘ Earlier this year, a Hong Kong Court banned the dissemination of […]

Encryption Workshop for Human Rights Defenders

Register Now for Human Rights Journalists Network Nigeria’s Global Encryption Day Workshop Global Encryption Day is celebrated every year on October 21st to raise awareness about the importance of strong encryption in protecting our digital communications. In a world where online privacy is constantly under threat, end-to-end encryption (E2EE) serves as a vital safeguard for […]

Protecting End-to-End Encryption: Our Security at Stake

Encryption is the cornerstone of modern digital security, safeguarding our data and communications from cyber threats. In honor of Encryption Day, we invite you to an engaging event titled “Protecting End-to-End Encryption: Our Security at Risk”, aimed at raising awareness of the crucial role and challenges of end-to-end encryption. Through lively discussions, interactive workshops, and […]

Empowering Women With Digital Security Skills

In honor of Global Encryption Day 2024, Maendeleo Foundation, with support from the Internet Society Foundation and the Global Encryption Coalition, is hosting a dedicated webinar to empower women with essential digital security skills. This event aims to equip women with the knowledge and tools needed to protect their data and maintain privacy in an […]


Kijiji Yeetu, the Ugunja Youth Parliament, and Ugunja Net Wardens in collaboration with ISOC Kenya, the Internet Society Kenya Chapter, Jaramogi Oginga University, and United States International University Africa. This event will focus on enhancing encryption, digital literacy, and security for teachers, net wardens, and underserved communities in Ugunja. The initiative aims to spark a […]